ILERA 2022
European Congress
Individual submissions of paper abstracts are invited.
The abstract should relate to one of the congress tracks, and contain a maximum of 500 words without any illustrations, graphs or tables.
The submitted abstract must contain the title and the following sections: objective, method, results and conclusions.
Paper abstracts are to be submitted in English
Submissions of special session proposals are invited.
Special sessions may address one or more congress tracks, but they should be organized under a unified theme.
The special sessions will run for 90 minutes and are intended to allow projects or any other group of authors to present their own work, but they could also have different formats, for example, thematic paper presentations with discussion, roundtable on a current topics, or book launch with presentations and discussion.
Proposers are responsible for defining the full contents of the Special Session, namely the authors and presenters.
Special Sessions proposals should be submitted via a specific form, available below.
The summary describing the special session should have a maximum length of 800 words and should provide information on:
- Special session Title
- Project (if the proposal is associated to one)
- Motivation and context (text describing the motivation and background for the special session)
- Structure (text describing the content of the Special Session, list of tentative papers (including titles, authors, and contact information of the corresponding author/s))
- Conference track(s)
Special Session submissions are reviewed through a similar process as submissions to the regular program.
Special Sessions will be held during the conference, in parallel to regular sessions.
Special session proposals are mostly to be submitted in English. However, some sessions in Spanish can also be organized.
Upon notification of acceptance of the Special Session proposal to the coordinator, each individual contributor will have to submit the abstracts of their papers for the special session through the individual abstract area. The authors should indicate ‘Special Session’ in the Track menu.
All participants and speakers in the Special Sessions, including organizers, must register to the conference and pay the fee.
Important dates and Deadlines
Final Deadline Extension of Abstract and Special Sessions Submission to 19 April.
Due to several kind requests, we have decided to extend the deadline to submit contributions. This is a hard deadline and no proposals will be accepted after this date.
All of the authors submitting an abstract should read the submission guidelines. Abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in the congress book of abstracts.
Submitting Abstracts
Authors are invited to submit abstracts on any of the given track.
All abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee or appointed reviewers.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the book of abstracts.
The organisers will publish only the abstracts submitted by authors who have settled their registration fee by 20th July 2022.
Final deadline for submitting abstracts & special sessions
Notification of Abstract & special sessions acceptance
Special Session Proposal
Call for special sessions is open in two stages.
Stage 1
The session chair should submit a summary. After submission has closed, you will receive notification of acceptance.
Stage 2
After acceptance, all presenters at the Special Session will be asked to submit their individual abstracts for the session.