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Thursday 8 September

15:00 - 16:30


Room: Aula 7 Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Regulating atypical work

Moderator: Laura Pérez Ortiz

Between Service Providers and Exploiters? Staffing Agencies as Two-Faced Actors in Tight Labor Markets
Ronny EHLEN, University of Hohenheim
Challenging notions of part-time work: country and occupational differences in employment status reporting
Janna BESAMUSCA, Utrecht University
Economically dependent self-employment - at the crossroad between labour and civil law
Kinga MORAS-OLAŚ, Cracow Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law
Some lessons on the impact of labour reforms on temporary employment in Spain
Laura PÉREZ ORTIZ, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Room: Aula 8 Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Managing employment relations
Moderator: Fátima Suleman

Negotiating idiosyncratic deals to access, motivate and retain STEM outstanding employees
Irene SÁNCHEZ TURÓN, University of Barcelona
Patricia ELGOIBAR, University of Barcelona
Is the Portuguese labour market rigid or flexible? Firms’ Compensation policies in last two decades
Fátima SULEMAN, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) – DINAMIA’CET
Organizational Responses to Workforce Aging: The Role of Employment Relations Institutions
Peter BERG, Michigan State University



Room: Aula 9 Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Minimum wages – I

Moderator: Georg Picot

The European Minimum Wage Directive: Change of direction in European Labour Relations?
Thorsten SCHULTEN, Wirtschafts - und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut (WSI) - Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
Torsten MÜLLER, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)
Enforcement of labour regulation in relation to minimum wages
Frikkie DE BRUIN, Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC)
Kgopana Caroline MATOME, Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC)
Do minimum wages crowd out union density?
Georg PICOT, University of Bergen
Facing inequalities through the guarantee of a minimum wage in global green value chains
María José GÓMEZ-MILLÁN HERENCIA, Universidad Pablo de Olavide


Room: Aula 10 Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Trans-National action and collective bargaining

Moderator: Udo Rehfeldt

Stagnation and decline of transnational company agreements
Udo REHFELDT, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES)
European Works Councils after Brexit: New Challenges for Transnational Employee Representation?
Patrick WITZAK, Ruhr University Bochum
Markus HERTWIG, Ruhr University Bochum
Timo René BLACHE, Ruhr University Bochum
Marcus KAHMANN, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES)
Kevin GUILLAS-CAVAN, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales
What factors are driving the increasing number of transnational labour protests in Europe (1997-2019)?
Roland ERNE, UCD Dublin
Transnational Company Agreements: Recent Trends
Isabel DA COSTA, CNRS, IDHES, ENS Paris-Saclay



Room: Aula 1 Facultat Dret

Platform work regulation and union responses

Moderator: Montse Solé-Truyols

Two different solutions for delivery riders: Employees by law in Spain or by platform will in Norway
Montse SOLE-TRUYOLS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Riding together? Why food deliver riders join trade unions
Kurt VANDAELE, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)
Back to basics: European unions’ innovative organizing strategies towards freelancers and platform workers
Trine Pernille LARSEN, University of Copenhagen
Anna ILSØE, University of Copenhagen
Oscar MOLINA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Alejandro GODINO, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Room: Aula 11 Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Labour markets and the green transition

Moderator: Jari Murto

Labor market policy in the transformation to a green economy
Gerhard BOSCH, IAQ University Dusiburg-Essen
Just transition, lifelong learning, and labour law
Jari MURTO, University of Helsinki
The way to “greening" the workplaces in Poland
Anna PISZCZEK, University of Lodz; Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland
Michał BARAŃSKI, University of Silesia in Katowice
Katarzyna JAWORSKA, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


Room: Aula 2 Facultat Dret

Essential workers

Moderator: Patricia Elgoibar

Healthcare workers in COVID times: Heroes suffering froma dark side
Patricia ELGOIBAR, University of Barcelona

Towards Sustainable ER in Healthcare? Examining Workload and Pay Initiatives in Response to the Pandemic
Nick KRACHLER, King's College London
Stephen BACH, King's College London
Identity work as identity intensification: Professional identity and purpose in the public sector in Chile
Jenny K RODRIGUEZ, Work & Equalities Institute, University of Manchester
Gregorio PEREZ ARRAU, University of Santiago de Chile


Room: Aula 3 Facultat Dret

Digitalization, workers voice and participation

Moderator: Bernd Brandl

Trade Unions’ Rage Against the Machine? The Role of Industrial Relations for the Use of Digital Technology
Bernd BRANDL, Durham University Business School
The acceleration of digitalisation during the Covid-19 pandemic: Implications for employee voice
Laura GOOD, University of Sydney
Digitization, monitoring, and privacy in Norwegian companies
Level up computerized
David ÖBORN REGIN, Karlstad University



Thursday 8 September

17:15 - 18:45



Room: Aula 7 Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Minimum wages - II

Moderator: Ferran Elias

Minimum Wage Effects across the Wage Distribution
Ferran ELIAS, Universitat de València
Effects of the introduction of the statutory minimum wage
 on income and consumption in Germany
Toralf PUSCH, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut (WSI)- Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
Criteria for setting the minimum wage as a factor in meeting the vital needs of workers
Marcin WUJCZYK, Jagiellonian University of Cracow
The development of low-wage work in Sweden - how should they be measure
Johan ALFONSSON, Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg
Patrik VULKAN, Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg
Tomas BERGLUND, Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg


Room: Aula 8 Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Precarity and inequalities

Moderator: Joan Miquel Verd

Hidden groups of hybrid workers on labour platforms in Denmark
Jonas KRISTIANSEN, University of Copenhagen
Trine Pernille LARSEN, University of Copenhagen
Anna ILSØE, University of Copenhagen
Turning Post-materialism on its head: Self-expression and autonomy at work in the age of precarity
Petar MARČETA, University of Amsterdam
Comparing workplace regimes in a low-end service sector: the case of McDonald’s in China and the UK
Wei WEI, University of Oxford
Employment services as providers of social capital to young people with precarious employment trajectories
Joan RODRÍGUEZ-SOLER, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Joan Miquel VERD, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Room: Aula 9 Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Labour market policy in the post-pandemic
Moderator: Arianna Tassinari

Income guarantee schemes and inclusion during Covid-19. Reform and policy innovation in the Southern Cone
Emma Rose ÁLVAREZ CRONIN, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Laura PÉREZ ORTIZ, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

The Covid-19 (Miscellaneous) Provision Act 2020 -The Mauritian Case Study
Rajendra Parsad GUNPUTH, University of Mauritius
Doubling down or switching paths? Labour market policy change in Southern Europe after Covid-19
Arianna TASSINARI, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Job retention arrangements in Norway: institutional change in the face of the covid-19 pandemics?


Room: Aula 10 Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Transformations of collective bargaining

Moderator: Thomas Haipeter

The role of collective agreements in the liberalisation of industrial relations
Saskia BOUMANS, AIAS-HSI, University of Amsterdam
Trends and challenges of decentralization in the German system of labor regulation. Tales from two sectors
Thomas HAIPETER, University of Duisburg-Essen
Sophie ROSENBOHM, University of Duisburg-Essen
Local Collective Bargaining and Organised Decentralisation in Sweden
Mia RÖNNMAR, Faculty of Law, Lund University
Andrea IOSSA, Kristianstad University


Room: Aula 1 Facultat Dret

New technologies and workers participation

Moderator: Stefano Bini

Embracing digitalization and AI: A taxonomy of tools developed by labor organizations
Isabelle ROBERGE-MALTAIS, HEC Montréal
Unions on Facebook: Developing union democracy on- and offline

Mark Friis HAU, FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
Nanna Wesley HANSEN, FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
Participation in the digitalisation of work: models and experiences for a shared sustainable process
Stefano BINI, University of Córdoba
Algorithmic mediation or interpersonal communication?
David ÖBORN REGIN, Karlstad University


Room: Aula 2 Facultat Dret

Social partners and the green transtition
Moderator: Vincezo Pietrogiovanni

The varying effect of union membership on environmental policy support across countries
Josef RINGQVIST, Karlstad University
The Regulatory Challenges of the Just Transition at Work
Vincenzo PIETROGIOVANNI, Lund University
The relationship between environmental care and labour rights in global value chains: two endangered resources
Marouane LAABBAS EL GUENNOUNI, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
European Social Dialogue Documents: An Effective Commitment for Ecological Sustainability?
Selen UNCULAR, Pompeu Fabra University


Room: Aula 3 Facultat Dret

Employment relations in the pandemic

Moderator: Andrea Bellini

Public sector wage-setting and its implications for collective bargaining coordination
Mompati GALORALE, Public Service Co-Ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC)
It's not just the pandemic that's to blame: the stagnation of social dialogue in Slovenia
Valentina FRANCA, University of Ljubljana

Covid-19 and employee-employer interaction: The global paradigm for job security in employment relations
Joshua OLABIYI, University of The Western Cape - Department of Industrial Psychology
Voices from the City: rhetoric and experiences of public service work at the time of the pandemic
Andrea BELLINI, Sapienza University of Rome


Room: Aula 4 Facultat Dret

Trade unions in the public sector
Moderator: Frikkie De Bruin

Trade union power resources in the public and the private sector: The German example
Werner SCHMIDT, Research Institute for Work, Technology and Culture
Andrea MÜLLER, Research Institute for Work, Technology and Culture
The changing Trade union landscape in the public sector employment relations
Frikkie DE BRUIN, Public Service Co-Ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC)

Power resources in public sector employment relations in Denmark and Finland
Laust HØGEDAHL, Aalborg Universitet


Room: Aula 11 Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Workers’ wellbeing in changing workplaces

Moderator: Barbara Bechter

A Collaborative Approach to Promoting Workplace Mental Health
Johanna MACNEIL, RMIT University
Mark BRAY, The University of Newcastle, Australia
Digital voice in the workplace: digital interactions and perceptions of employee well-being
Barbara BECHTER, Durham University
Uberization of private homes? Telework and the distribution of workplace costs between employers and

Dorothea ALEWELL, University of Hamburg
Ricarda REICH, University of Hamburg


Friday 9 September

9:30 – 11:00


Room: Aula 1 Facultat Dret

Green jobs and the green transition
Moderator: Carla Spinelli

Pros and Cons of Remote Working from the Perspective of Decent Work and Green Deal
Zeynep ŞIŞLI, Izmir University of Economics
CSR in Green Transition: from Transnational Social Dialogue to the EU Directive on Due Diligence
Carla SPINELLI, University Aldo Moro of Bari
The Employer’s Legal Responsibility for Working Environment and Rehabilitation
Johan HOLM, Umeå universitet


Room: Aula 2 Facultat Dret

Digitization, resistance, and conflict
Moderator: Helena Ysas

Control and Conflict at Amazon
Georg BARTHEL, University of Duisburg-Essen
Digital employee monitoring and collective bargaining
Helena YSÀS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Workers'; voice on how their work environment has changed with a software robot as a colleague
Annica ASP, Karlstad University
Fear of Missing Out: Workaholism and Gamification amongst Platform Delivery Workers in the UK
Tony ROYLE, University of York



Room: Aula 3 Facultat Dret

Unions and collective bargaining

Moderator: Paulo Marques

After industrial relations reform: Coping with the loss of decentralized representation structures?
Kevin GUILLAS-CAVAN, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES)
Marcus KAHMANN, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES)
Under which conditions do unions sign collective agreements containing pro-outsider clauses? A fsQCA

Paulo MARQUES, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and
Level-up: moving from single-employer to multi-employer bargaining
Stan DE SPIEGELAERE, Ghent University - UNI Europa


Room: Aula 7 Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Remote work in the pandemic
Moderator: Sara Moreno

The teleworking experience during COVID-19: Changes in perceptions of labor relations
Vicent BORRÀS CATALÀ, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Sara MORENO COLOM, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The modern concept of employee subordination on the example of employees in the public sphere.
Paulina MATYJAS LYSAKOWSKA, Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce
Motivating and Dissuading Factors in Work-from-Home Arrangement: Employer vs. Employee Perspectives
Virgel BINGHAY, University of the Philippines
Telework regulation in the EU: a comparative analysis
Óscar VARGAS, Eurofound


Room: Aula 8 Facultat Ciències 
Polítiques i de Sociologia

Algorithmic management
Moderator: Anna Ginés i Fabrellas

With or Without Algorithms: Managing Self-Employed in the Platform Economy
Christian HALDRUP, University of Copenhagen
Anna ILSØE, University of Copenhagen
Trine Pernille LARSEN, University of Copenhagen
Algorithms for profiling and automated decisions in the workplace: are current transparency measures enough?
Anna GINÈS I FABRELLAS, Esade Law School
The subjectivity of artificial intelligence as an employer
Krzysztof STEFANSKI, University of Lodz
Contextual factors associated to the incidence of HR analytics
Amaya ERRO-GARCÉS, Universidad Pública de Navarra



Friday 9 September

15:00 – 16:30


Room: Aula 2
Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Membership and renewal of trade unions

Moderator: Raquel Rego

Union Finances: The Dark horse within European trade unions’ means of actions Trine Pernille Larsen, University
of Copenhagen

Anna ILSØE, University of Copenhagen
Jens ARNHOLTZ, University of Copenhagen
Beyond Density: Improving Labor Unions’ Representativeness through Gender Quotas
Raquel REGO, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa
Trade union membership among labour migrants: the case of Norway
Kristine NERGAARD, FAFO Institute for Labour and Social Research
Anne Mette ØDEGÅRD, FAFO Institute for Labour and Social Research
Collectivising services: trade union renewal at the crossroads
Andrea BELLINI, Sapienza University of Rome
Alberto GHERARDINI, University of Turin

Room: Aula 1
Facultat Dret

Labor market regulations

Labour Market Regulations and Productivity
Eva UDDEN SONNEGÅRD, The Ratio Institute
The Role of Labour Inspectorate in the Enforcement of Labour Regulation: The case of Greece
Achilleas ANAGNOSTOPOULOS, University of Thessaly


Room: Aula 11
Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Regulating dualized labor markets
Moderator: Wouter ZWYSEN

New Regulation in the German Meat Industry: Towards better Working Conditions and a new Labour Relations?
Thorsten SCHULTEN, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut (WSI)
Serife EROL-VOGEL, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut (WSI)
Polarisation driven by widening firm gaps and outsourcing

Variegated de-marketization‘: manifestations and dynamics of extra-neoliberal politics and practices
Karen JAEHRLING, University of Duisburg-Essen


Room: Aula 2
Facultat Dret

Collective responses of platform workers
Moderator: Valentina Franca

How to (re)cover remote and platform workers? An empirical analysis and policy implication
Valentina FRANCA, University of Ljubljana

Working Conditions of Platform Workers and Their Protest Waves in Turkey
Sevda KÖSE, Kocaeli University
Platform workers in the US and the EU: employees or independent contractors?
Isabel DA COSTA, CNRS, IDHES, ENS Paris-Saclay
Precarity and fraud after the ‘Rider Law’: exploring the circumvention of labour law by digital platforms
María Isabel CASAS-CORTÉS, Universidad de Zaragoza
Amaia PRIETO, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Room: Aula 12
Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

COVID-19 effects on labor market
Moderator: Kristin Alsos

Digitalization in Norwegian retail – towards a more divided workforce?
Do workers speak up when job insecure? Examining workers’ response to precarity during the COVID-19

Hye Jin RHO, Michigan State University
Christian Lyhne IBSEN, University of Copenhagen
Reactions to the Covid-19 Pandemic in the German Auto and IT-services Sectors
Christina TEIPEN, HWR Berlin (Berlin School of Economics and Law)
Distributional conflicts between public employees – The Danish nurses’ strike during the pandemic in 2021
Laust HØGEDAHL, Aalborg Universitet


Room: Aula 8
Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

New technologies and industrial relations
Moderator: Arianna Marcolin

How does digitalisation affect industrial relations, and vice-versa, in the Italian & Spanish retail sector?
Arianna MARCOLIN, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies

Collective bargaining and digitalisation – crisis or revitalisation of trade unions?
Nele DITTMAR, TU Berlin
Digitalization and work organization in Italian banks: the role of collective barganing
Francesco SEGHEZZI, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
The Future of Labor Unions in the Age of Automation and at the Dawn of AI
Gadi NISSIM, Ruppin Academic Center

Room: Aula 7
Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Green transition and labor market policies
Moderator: Ewan Mckenzie

From just transition to the `eco-social state`
Bela GALGOCZI, European Trade union Institute (ETUI)
The Scandinavian labour market model and the green shift
Alexander Sønderland SKJØNBERG, BI Norwegian Business School
Workers’ Voice and Security in a Just Transition: Rolls Royce and Redundancies in Inchinnan, Scotland
Ewan MACKENZIE, Newcastle University


Room: Aula 3
Facultat Dret

Social dialogue and the governance of industrial relations

Moderator: Daniel Barrientos

Social partners’ involvement in dual VET governance: Greece, Poland, Portugal and Spain in comparison
Daniel BARRIENTOS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The Legitimacy of Free Collective Bargaining in Germany
Hagen LESCH, German Economic Institute (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft)
Sandra VOGEL, German Economic Institute (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft)
Transformations and the Changes in Corporatist Industry Policy in the German Chemical Industry
Thomas HAIPETER, University of Duisburg-Essen

Room: Aula 6
Facultat Dret

Employment and collective action in the pandemic
Moderator: Thomas Bredgaard

The covid-19 pandemic and transformations in Danish working life
Thomas BREDGAARD, Aalborg University
COVID-19, Control and Resistance in Devolved Public Education Work
Isabella DABAJA, University of Sydney
Elderly Care Professionals During the Pandemic - A Swedish Perspective on a Legal Problem
Peter RAMSJÖ, Uppsala University



Saturday 10 September
9:30 – 11:00


Room: Aula 7

Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Gender equality - I

Moderator: Matteo Avogaro

Reconciling work and life: Social partners’ role in the transformation of the gendered welfare state
Veronika LEMEIRE, Hasselt University
Building Blocks for a Gender Equitable Recovery from Pandemic?
Rae COOPER, University of Sydney
Empowering company-level plans to contrast gender pay gap: recent trends in labour market regulation
Matteo AVOGARO, ESADE Institute for Labour Studies - Ramon Llull University


Room: Room: Aula 8
Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Labor market dualization

Moderator: Ferran Elias

The Causes of Duality in the Labor Market
Ferran ELIAS, Universitat de València
Remedy or short-term fix? Immigration policy as a distinct source of skills
Chris WRIGHT, University of Sydney
Colm MCLAUGHLIN, University College Dublin
A double ethnic penalty? A study of the mobility patterns of the second-generation immigrants.
Tomas BERGLUND, University of Gothenburg
Denis FRANK, University of Gothenburg


Room: Aula 9

Facultat Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Gender equality - II

Moderator: Lilach Lurie

Equality and Discrimination in Collective Agreements in Israel
Lilach LURIE, Tel-Aviv University
Labour market regulations on gender equity and gender pay gap
Frikkie DE BRUIN, General Public Service Sector Bargaining Council (GPSSBC)
Sharlaine OODIT, General Public Service Sector Bargaining Council (GPSSBC)
Comparative study in Andalusia and Catalonia of inter- gender labour inequality through a Labour Market Gender
Segmentation Index

María CASCALES MIRA, Universidad de Sevilla / UAB


Room: Aula 1
Facultat Dret

Social partners and Transnational Action
Moderator: Jimmy Donaghey

Stitching Governance for Labour Rights: Towards Transnational Industrial Democracy?
Jimmy DONAGHEY, University of South Australia
Labour regulation in transnational supply and value chains: Categorizing newly emerging order formations
Patrick WITZAK, Ruhr University Bochum
What’s NEG(X)T? Continuity and change in European Governance of Labour after the Covid-19 pandemic
Vincenzo MACCARRONE, University College Dublin
Roland ERNE, University College Dublin
Country-of-origin of parent companies on HR policies in overseas subsidiaries
Toshiko SUDA, Aoyama Gakuin University


Room: Aula 2
Facultat Dret

New technologies, old and new collective responses

Moderator: Arturo Lahera
Digitization and job quality: Participative proposal for an assessment of occupational health in Industry 4.0
Arturo LAHERA-SÁNCHEZ, Complutense University of Madrid
Ana NEGRO, Complutense University of Madrid
Francisco J. TOVAR, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Implications of the extension of Artificial Intelligence mechanisms for industrial democracy
Dan TOP, Cabinet avocat Dan Top
Competence dilemmas: Employer strategies in response to digitalization
Johan Røed STEEN, FAFO Institute for Labour and Social Research
Anna HEDENUS, University of Gothenburg
One trade union, many responses to digitalisation: the case of Fiom representatives in the automotive sector
Angelo MORO, Université de Bourgogne, Artes 4.0


Room: Aula 3
Facultat Dret

Co-determinations, industry, and productivity

Moderator: Sandra Vogel

Mediating Technological Change: Contrasting Trade Union approaches in Norway and UK in food processing work
Caroline LLOYD, Cardiff University
Deviating from sector-level norms: Empirical results from the German metal- and electrical industry
Sandra VOGEL, German Economic Institute (IW)
Hagen LESCH, German Economic Institute (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft)
Company-based agreements on safeguarding employment in Germany during the pandemic
Toralf PUSCH, WSI. Hans Böckler Stiftung


Room: Aula 4
Facultat Dret

New and old jobs for the just transition

Moderator: Matteo Mandelli

Workers for the future: the GKN workers' struggle and the Plan towards a Public Hub for Sustainable Mobility
Francesca GABBRIELLINI, Alma Mater Studiorum University of 
Arianna TASSINARI, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies - Köln
Trade unions facing the eco-social-growth trilemma: the case of just transition in Taranto
Matteo MANDELLI, University of Milan
Social dialogue in transition: The case of Norwegian shipyards
Anne Mette ODEGARD, FAFO Institute for Labour and Social research

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